> How long should i jump rope?

How long should i jump rope?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I'm on a diet, I walk 1 hour a day.. how long should I jump rope to lose weight fast

if you can do 20 minutes that would be great but it's quite hard so build up with 3 minutes followed by 1 minutes rest then repeat as often as you can and the weight will full off

To loose weight you need to combine dieting with excercise, it doesnt work that easily im afraid. You should do one hour of cardiac exercise per day if you are under 18 which includes running/jogging, brisk walking, bike riding and for jump roping you should do 3 installments of 20mins, after each 20 mins then you should have a drink of water to rehydrate yourself. As for the diet, stay away from sodas and replace it with water and Try and have a higher intake of fruit and veg per day rather than fatty foods, fastfoods and chocolate. Hope this helped:-)

100 jumps, 1 min brake 4 times is enough if you want to lose weight

20 Min?

Doesn't work like that.

I'm on a diet, I walk 1 hour a day.. how long should I jump rope to lose weight fast