> How do you Party without drugs or alcohol?

How do you Party without drugs or alcohol?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I wanna party every day. In a sense of enjoying life. I smoke weed rite from time to time but was wondering do people actually have a good time partying without drugs or alcohol?

A crapton of caffiene and sugar

Yes, people can throw parties AND have a fantastic time WITHOUT drugs or alcohol. When I was 13 the class committee that was in charge of the Christmas party decided that we should have a rave. They opted for an atmosphere that reminded me of the disco scene back in the '70s, but they played modern, upbeat songs that are danceable. They covered the jalousies with old newspapers so absolutely no light can come into the room, and put a spotlight on anyone who wished to perform a song or dance number. We used the class fund to buy food, and capped the event with Kris Kringle.

yes it is possible to enjoy life without drugs or alcohol.

find a group of people that enjoy the same kinds of activities that you do.

the outdoors?

board games?

yard games?

junkin? ( going to yard sales and thrift stores all day one saturday)

creekin? ( getting water shoes and walking in the creek looking for things you dont see everyday)


bon fires?

the list is endless

all these things can be enjoyed with out drugs or alcohol

yes they do and you just have to have friends that dont drink or smoke and go places with them and see what happens, half the population doesnt drink or smoke so it must be possible. having good coversations is one, sports, people, attractions, walking around the city, exercise, video games

The person directly above me said it right.

Caffeine and sugar... Maybe throw nicotine in there as well

I wanna party every day. In a sense of enjoying life. I smoke weed rite from time to time but was wondering do people actually have a good time partying without drugs or alcohol?