> How do I throw a party when turning 20?

How do I throw a party when turning 20?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
ll alot of people their will be alot of beer at your house and they have to bring their own beer for beer pong. but tell them when your 21

I would send out a facebook invitation if you have facebook. Also, definitely text all of your close friends directly so they definitely come.

The rest depends on how big you want the party to be and what time you want to have it. If you want to have a big party, tell your friends they can bring people and invite acquaintances. If you want a small party, only invite friends you know.

Regarding alcohol, if you're having it at the apartment's pool, I would make it BYOB. You don't want the police to come and blame you for any underage drinking. If it's at your house you should probably have alcohol, but maybe less people. If it's gonna be big, have a friend get you a keg.

I'm turning 20 soon and want to do something I've never done. I want to throw a party, at my apartment or the pool at them. I know enough people to invite but have no idea how. I feel like making invitations will make seem childish but have no idea. Do i allow drinking? Should I invite people I know a little bit? Help! I just need some advice and ideas please.