> How do I party?

How do I party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Hey, well if you're going to be sober, it may be a bit more difficult to loosen up (socially). I'm 21, but if i don't drink at a party, or haven't drunken yet, I just put a huge smile on my face and laugh at everyone's jokes. Just be easy to talk to and get along with, no dirty looks, don't interrupt people. Walk up to her and give her a hug, introduce yourself to everyone! The first initial 30 or so minutes are the hardest, after that you will be way more comfortable and just relax. Just stay positive and be confident!

If it is a graduation party, I guarantee there will be a lot of adults there. Not just teens. A graduation party is for friends and FAMILY to celebrate your accomplishment. Trust me, it is not going to be a "teen party."

One of my friends who is a senior invited me to a graduation party tomorrow (which is Saturday).However, the only things that I have had problems with parties is because I feel like I might be a buzz kill or wont have fun. The reasons are that I wont know most of the people their and if I do I never talked to them, and that's just going to make me feel uncomfortable. If I go to her party this would be the second "teen" party. I've never gone to any parties that are strictly teens with a few adults around I've only gone to family parties and those two types of parties are completely different. And I don't want my friend to regret inviting me.

So what should I do at the party? how should I approach my friend when I get their? What should I do after wards once im inside?

Please help!

oh and this party is a safe one, no drinking or getting high its safe. So please give me tips based around it.

I really want to have fun with my friend, because she's leaving for college soon and I don't want to regret not going when I had a chance to be with her.

so please any tips will be helpful! thanks!