> How do I get faster punches?

How do I get faster punches?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Swimg your arms as high as you can only using your body muscles. Or punch as fast as you can with 5 pound dumbells.

Try doing jab,cross consistently for 1-2 minutes. Do a few sets of them each day and you should feel your arms aching, especially around your deltoid and top of your biceps. Also do this with weights under 5 kg. If you do it with weights over 5 kg in could damage your arms. Also do shadow boxing with light weights. Once you do shadow-boxing make sure your pretending your fighting someone in a boxing match, so remember to slip,block,counter,roll,parry to jab e.c.t.

P.S When you are training your punching speed make sure you throw all your punches with proper technique. Otherwise you'll just be practising bad technique.

To where you want them to land? I really love giving out fast punches to the face.

Masterbate as fat as u can everyday