> How do I become a faster runner?

How do I become a faster runner?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Run as though there is something chasing you, it has been scientifically proven that even the slowest runners can run fast when being chased because the addrenalin triggers something in your body to make you work harder!

So if you have a good imagination think that your being chased by somthing you really hate!:L

You already sound really fast though, your a pro:D good luck hope this helps you may even make the olympics one day;)

tie a rope to back of a car and you and make someone drive the car slightly faster than you can run. If it works yay and if it doesnt its funny for others.

Sebastion Coe practiced running at sustained speeds to break three world records in middle distance events. If you wish to be the best then he set a good way to train:-



All I can say is practice! Run everyday. Don't give up.

genetically engineer yourself

Hi I'm 13 and I broke our school record for 600m with 1.47 (it was Amy williams' record I think (she went to my school)) I thought it was really slow anyway I enjoy running it seems to be the only sport I'm good at and I was wondering how i could be faster?????

Thanks xx