> How can you prevent athletic cramps?

How can you prevent athletic cramps?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
To prevent cramps, eat bananas because there is a lot of potassium in them, also drink plenty of water. But also don't worry about what other people think about you. It's not worth it to go through classes that are actually really fun when you just enjoy yourself and have to worry about those immature kids in your school.

You kind of have to figure that out yourself. It is different for everyone. You need to find out how much water and food to drink before and after exercise to prevent cramps. Too much and you'll get a cramp, too little and you'll get a cramp. Experiment with it and you'll soon find out. Good luck and God bless you.

Proper hydration

proper diet, low salt and high potassium

stretch and warm up before, then cool down and stretch after

Stretch and warm up slowly and stay hydrated. Dont overwork yourself

I am starting p.e after christmas and am not very Good at sports. I get embarassed alot when I cant do something. So I need answers so maybe I wont look like a complete idiot working out in front of Teese immature kids I go to school with.