> How can i win this fight?

How can i win this fight?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Dude, don't fight over girls unless some guys trying to physically harm your gf or possibly insults her in a really rude manner that is unacceptable. If a guy forces himself on your gf, grab him off n tell him she's your gf. If he starts being aggressive, then u may lay him out. If u fight this guy, just think how big your ex's head will get. Don't give her that satisfaction. Youre better off finding a new girl n letting it be known you don't give a f*** about your ex even if u still have feelings towards her, but I would never contemplate getting back with a girl like that. My ex started going out with a friend of mine. It hurt like hell, but I remembered wot my dad told me... "Be a man!" That means no crying over people who aren't worth your time. In the end she tried to get back with me but I told her to f*** off which really pissed her off cos she thought I was a push over. Look, if u need to fight him n he's not trained to take punishment, punch him HARD in his mouth. Ever had a busted lip? It hurts like a m***** f*****. If he's still coming at u, throw a right hook followed by a left hook to his jaw n he should get the message. Good luck n be a bit more careful of the friends and gfs that u have around you

I feel you, i wouldnt fight for a hoe but since he is talking much shyt bout it, u do what u must. If it happens, keep your distance by measuring ur range with jabs, donr be predictable, dont let him grad a hold of you , as he gets closer throw some uppercuts with a foot movement and if u happen to go crazy with adrenaline, make sure to pick urs shots and HEAD MOVEMENT, if he swings wild take advantage n pick him apart >:D think of winning while fighting not that girl situation, once u hurt if then u can remember all his shyt talking, body shots hurt and do damage, give him a liver shot, look techniques up

in a street fight there are no rules, and the best method is attack by surprise. Go up to him apologizing and that you want peace so he can be relaxed and not expect anything while you get close to him. As soon as you see an open shot kick him in the nuts then immediately start throwing knees and punches. The hit to the nuts will greatly affect his ability to fight back at a 100 percent.

Call Mr Han or Mr miyagi im sure he will teach you martial arts

Make him jealous

I'm a junior in highschool, so my friend basically was trying to steal my girlfriend from me all summer and ended up doing it. I was pretty pissed but now he's talking **** about it and to hooking up with her in front of me just to piss me off. I really want to fight him but he's a little bigger than me and im a pretty skinny dude (but i have really long arms). anyways if it happened it would probably during school and i really want to take him out right away so it doesnt get on the ground. any tips?