> How can a fat person get faster?

How can a fat person get faster?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
My coach says that I need to get faster if I want to be a Defensive Tackle, but I need to maintain my weight. I also have to be more explosive. Help?

I'm going to assume that you are playing High School Football?

To become faster and more explosive, you should visit the trainer at your school weight room. If you don't have a school weight room, find out about gyms in your area. This is a good time to start, since summer is coming up so you will have the summer to work on your weaknesses, then come football in the fall, you'll be ready!


Do more cardio and eat carbohydrates a few hours before games. Consume high caffeine energy drinks.

Zombies. Run or get killed. Keep that in the back of your mind. Or loud angry women chasing after you... maybe even a bunch of nagging mothers mixed in their too.

Go to the top of a hill and roll down it

leg muscle. Or make yourself more Aerodynamic. sharpen your nose and slick your hair back

My coach says that I need to get faster if I want to be a Defensive Tackle, but I need to maintain my weight. I also have to be more explosive. Help?