> Home birthday party ideas?

Home birthday party ideas?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Rent a couple of bouncers. They have some that are water slides and some for just plain bouncing in. Kids love it. You could rent a snow cone machine or fix ice cream cones and let the children select the toppings that they want..You could do a cupcake decorating contest and give the winner a McDonald's $5.00 gift certificate. Kids love food. You only need about 10-15 kids, including family and some of her friends to have a good time. Make it a pot-luck and ask the parents to bring food that kids like-hotdogs, chips, juice boxes, cookies-you know keep it simple. You can also, get the dads to bring paper plates, cups and napkins to help with the expense. I hope you guys have a good time:)

Treasure hunt! I still remember that from when I was a kid. We had to solve puzzles and follow clues to find the presents.

A pool party is perfect for the summer. Buy cheap outdoor games like plastic baseball or kickball. A pi?ata would be a good idea too. Buy a bunch of games that everyone likes it's a good time to have fun and play!

Ask her what she wants! Since it's summer, what about a pool party? If you don't have a pool, what about running around in the sprinklers? Then they can all go inside and have cake. Sit down with her and see who she wants to invite. It's her party after all. After cake and present opening, her and her friends can all play with her toys together.

I hope this helped :)

Have a pinata party, play party games such as pin the tail on the donkey ,

Sorry it's not much

hope it helps!

rent a pony

For a 6 year old girl? We can't afford to pay $200+ for a birthday party this year so were going to try it at home. What games should we have? How many kids should we invite? She will be in kindergarten this year.