> Help for Cheer tryouts?

Help for Cheer tryouts?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I think you have most of tumbling and stunting down! Here are some tips and stuff to help you with the tryouts! (:


1.) Stretch everyday for 5 minutes and exercise and eat healthy!

2.)Make sure your toes are pointed when you do your jumps!

3.)Look up videos on YouTube about how to jump or sharpen up your cheer/dance. These will help a lot.

4.) Tumbling/Stunting lessons will be beneficial. Also, most cheer places will also let you do general private lessons, where you can show them the cheer and dance you're doing for tryouts and they will give you specific tips on how to make them better.

5.) Keep your grades up! They will look at your grades in all of your classes to see if your a good student.

6.) Read books and research about cheerleading , this will help you learn the key terms they talk about in cheer & it will give you lots of tips.

7.) Smile. Smile, smile, smile!! Seriously, this is probably where you earn the most points. By looking enthusiastic and like you actually want to be there, everything else you do looks good as well.


What to wear to tryouts-

*first check with your coach if you have to wear a certain outfit to tryouts*

Soffee or Cheer Shorts- The color black goes with everything, but you can chose any color you want :)

Shirt- I would recommend a bright shirt so you can stand out more.

Hair- Tie your hair up in a high ponytail for tryouts, and make sure All your hair is secure.If you want you can tie your hair up with a cute bow to match your shirt or shorts. (:

Shoes- Clean sneakers! Make your your shoelaces are tied tightly so they don't come undone during tryouts! (:

Websites and Videos that will help you! -




Ok well make sure you are stretching every single day and your stretching your whole body. Also make sure you stretch both sides. Work on trying to get your left split and your middle split. Also work on making your scorpion into a needle by stretching your back everyday. Condition everyday so you can make your jumps higher and make sure you have good prep and execution for your jumps. At tryouts make sure you smile and your tight.

Good luck!

That's really good you defently make the team. If you get your back handspring they might want you to join varsity.

Cheerleading is about potential. Im sure ur under confident and u will be fine! good luck and be confident!

I have JV cheer tryouts coming up and I need help! The JV team is soooo good!

I want to be a flyer too!

What else do you think I should have to make it??

I have:

round off

round off backhandspring




bow and arrow

chin chin


back walkover

my jumps are average...

right split

Im an Incredible dancer

But this is my first year trying cheer.
