> Having the best Sleepover? tips?

Having the best Sleepover? tips?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Ok. I′m not sure if it′ll make the perfect slumber party but you should have a good one..


Pillowcase Race:

Get each guest to step inter her own pillowcase and let the race begin.

Pillow fight

Art in the dark:

Each girl gets a piece of paper and a pencil. The lights in the room are turned off and everyone is asked to draw a house. ask everyone to add additional elements such as a mailbox, a tree, or a car in a driveway. When at least 5 new additions have been added turn on the lights and see what artistic efforts you′ve created.

Toothpaste taste test.

When people are starting to think about slowing down for the night present a toothpaste taste test.

Choose 3 or 4 toothpaste to use. Each guest tries the different brands and casts votes for the best one.

Other fun things to do include:

Making crafts (t-shirts, necklaces, bracelets) with glow-in-the-dark stuff

An obstacle course

Flashlight tag/hid-and-go-seek. Same thing as the traditional games, only in the dark and with a flashlight to "tag" the other person.

Judge each others dancing

Tell ghost stories

Truth or dare



1. Wait until some unlucky person has the nerve to fall asleep first. Take a glass of warm water and carefully place his or her hand into the water. Wait.

Warning: This joke is supposed to make the victim wet the bed. Try this only if your prepared to clean up the "damage".

2. If a friend is sleeping in a four poster bed, wait until he or she is asleep. Take a ball of yarn and wrap it around the bedposts, until your victim appears to be sleeping in a spider web. The reaction when the person wakes up and can′t get out of bed: priceless.

3. If you have a friend who gets up to pee in the middle of the night, stretch Saran wrap tightly over the toilet bowl. Make sure there aren′t any wrinkles or holes. Put ththe seat down over the edge of the Saran wrap. Wait.

4.Pour cold water over the shower curtain while somebody is taking a shower. Run away FAST!

5. Put some fake plastic vomit in the sink. When this stuff is wet it looks surprisingly real. Expect lots of screaming!



This make in a minute is super simple. Have your friend help you make a batch or 2 right away and place it in bowls so it′s always within reach throughout the evening.

-3 cups of your favorite unsweetend cereal

- 3 cups of peanuts(ask if anyone is allergic before using them)

- 3 cups of raisins

- 3 cups of pretzel sticksWhat you do:

Place all the ingredients into a large mixing bowl and stir together using a small spoon.

Smiley Stacks

Prepare a batch of pancake batter. Then turn on the stove. Using a spoon drip batter on the pancake skillet to form 2 eyes and a smile. Allow a little bit of time for these to get golden (you can tell this once you see bubbles in the batter) and then add a soup ladle of batter on top of them. Let the batter cook and then flip the pancake over. Once you′ve flipped the pancake, you′ll see that the eyes and smile are a bit darker than the rest of the pancake. It should look as if a smiley face was branded onto the breakfast entree.

Rise and shine smoothies:

You need a blender for all of these delicious drinks.

- Orange you great:

Whirl together 2 bananas,peeled and sliced, 2 cups of orange juice, and 1 cup of vanilla ice cream. Makes 2 servings.

- Tropical blend:

Whirl together 1 cup of crushed ice, 1 smal container of your favorite yogurt, an 8 ounce can of crushed pineapple, drained, and 1 banana, peeled and sliced. Makes 2 to 3 servings.

- Strawberry banana

Whirl together 1 cup of crushed ice, 1 small container of strawberry yogurt, 2 cups of sliced strawberries and 1 banana, peeled and sliced. Makes 2 to 3 servings.

Have fun!

U could have a pillow fight or make stuff like s'mores or smoothies or ice cream cones or milkshakes..etc. u could play truth or dare or would you rather and talk. Play board games or go outside. But u have a lot of good activities planned so I'm sure it'll be a great sleepover! I hope this helped!

Oh I hav great ideas u should tell scary stories and sneak in to the kitchen with a torch or something and hav a midnight snack oh and hav pillow fights and play games on your phone oh or play truth or dare and you guys could prank each other or see who gets scared first by doin scary things I hope this helps!!!

Okay, if your friend isn't on the girly side what about goofy?Try just dancing around to any types of songs,or pretending to be super heroes and picking cool powers,or baking for fun.

Get random things in your kitchen and put them together then blind fold each other and eat your concockshons.Prank Calls.Movies with popcorn.Board Games.

Okay, so I'm going to need a reasonable answer by Saturday at 8:40 this week. Pretty much I'm having a sleepover with my best friend, just her. I need some idea on what to do other than: Jumping on the trampoline, laying in the hammock, playing with my dog, riding bikes, playing computer, watching tv or movie night (Already going to do that), doing hair and maybe nails, playing on ipad and such, photoshoots, roleplay, parler (Phone thingy), and omegle. Just hinting out my friend isnt really girly so nothingn like makeovers or dress up. This isnt a theme party, and we dont have like activities planned or anything, just doing random stuff. Any more ideas. and how to be a good host, because last time I bought a whole bunch of food and no on e ate anything. And also this time we wont have as much