> Graduation Party! Help!!!!?

Graduation Party! Help!!!!?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 


Baked beans

Potao slad




Grduation cake

Water balloon fights



-pig roast

Lil sandwiches

Baked beans

Pasta salad

Potato salad

Cole slaw

Hey, my brother is graduating from high school this year! This July is when we're having his party...so yeah! Umm, we're having it in our backyard and there's gonna be a lot of people here! I was just wondering what types of things we can have for people to do that won't be too much money and that they will remember, I want to make my brother's graduation party count since he only has one! I would also like to know ideas about like food, like desserts and stuff and my parents are going to have alcohol here but they don't want the kids drinking it so it will be supervised, umm, how do we say that in a serious way that won't embarass my brother! We live in the middle of no where so please don't say go to the beach or something because we don't have anything around us! We sent out invitations through facebook and we are going to send out invitations through the mail too!! The alcohol is only for our family and most of them bring their own but some don't, I was thinking about having it somewhere where the other teens can't get to it???? Help!!!!! Thanks for any ideas!!! No rude comments please!