> Good food challenges to do?

Good food challenges to do?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
try making a bread pudding, tiramisu.. its always exciting to try something on the stove you always think was difficult but then when it turns out right.. its not that difficult is it!! ;). well I love challeneges :D

Chubby Bunny Challenge

Salt And Ice-IT'S PAINFUL!

Cracker Challenge

The garlic challenge.

The dill challenge.

The lemon challenge.

I know of a challenge, but you aren't going to like it.

Eat a chunk of cold butter. You have to chew it very thoroughly and then swallow it.

It is truly an awful experience (it's why I avoid eating raw cookie dough).

Sometimes, eating isn't enough. That's why there are crazy challenges for us to * try* and complete. If we succeed, we feel great. And if we fail.

Like the cinnamon challenge and the pepper challenge?

Just so you know, I don't have a blender or microwave in my house at the moment so nothing that involves those. I'm only 15 so no alcohol.

We haven't gone shopping in a while so there isn't that much to work with.

Just challenges with common household foods?
