> Feeling stressed and depressed after night of drinking?

Feeling stressed and depressed after night of drinking?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
First off, alcohol is a depressant. Just because you don't have a headache doesn't mean it hasn't effected your mood. Your body processes alcohol as blood sugar, drink a lot and your blood sugar will be up. Drink for 2 days and your body has become accustomed to having a higher blood sugar count. Stop drinking suddenly and now your blood sugar levels drop back to normal over time. This causes your body's hormones to do funny things. Serotonin is the chemical that makes you feel happy, and there is a constant flow passing through receptors in your brain. Taking depressants slows this flow of serotonin and makes you feel depressed (why it's called a depressant). As you begin to recover the flow slowly returns to normal and you will feel fine again.

Okay so my night started saturday after work, i went to my friends house and started pounding shots and beers, ended up passing out drunk on his couch. the next day when i woke up we started drinking again for superbowl sunday, (stuck to beers only), and now, monday morning, im at work feeling like im about to have an anxiety attack. the feeling of depression is also setting in. and i really dont have a reason at all to be depressed, my life is going just fine at the moment. i just feel like there isnt anything to look forward to. i dont have a hangover but i feel so not myself.

Any suggestions or remedies would be great guys, thanks!