> FORMAL sweet sixteen on a non-existent budget?

FORMAL sweet sixteen on a non-existent budget?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I understand.

Hire a cheaper dj (300 dollars)

Go to a nice restaraunt and book a room (100)

Eat food from the restauraunt (around 600 dollars)

You can buy a nice dress at a popular thrift store ( forever 21, hollister, abercrombie, H&M) around 30 dollars

You could make your own cupcakes or add another 100 for a cake to feed all. Might be around 1200 you can take somethings out but you may be able to find the real money? Good luck! Start planning early though!!!

If you want all that, $1000 might not cover it.

Some cheap djs can be $300-400. As for an actual venue, I don't know where you live, but if you live in a smallish town, ask the local bar or restaurant if you could rent the place out for one night for a hundred bucks. There are plenty of online dress sites. not sure how formal you want it, but bodycentral.com & debshops.com has some dresses on sale for pretty cheap right now.

Depends on where you live.

Near a lake with camping grounds?

Set up string lights and lanterns around the edges of outdoor area

Food stick to finger foods they can eat and stand with.

Wooden benches for seats around edge of area covered with a sheet tie sides with safety pin and bow.

Find a few guys from your high school band who play guitar and drums. Add a boom box (yes semi lame but it's fine in the scheme of things) for more exciting songs ask the guys playing to take care of that if you can't find a DJ

Plywood on smoothed out dirt creates dance floor ... paint any color you want .... hell bring spray paint and have your friends sign the dance floor earlier in the day.

I'd suggest starting at 4 pm and end at 9 but maybe bring a tent for you and your closest friends to stay at the campground all night and when you go home in the morning wear those lovely dresses from the night before carry your heels and take plenty of pictures.

tricky problem look into from search engines like google just that can assist

My 16th birthday is in july and ive been completely okay with the fact that I would not be having a sweet sixteen because I know its not realistic for our family's financial situation, but ive been attending lots of sweet sixteens lately and im really upset about not having one.... I know my moms upset too and she keeps taking stabs at my dad about how we should be able to provide a decent, not over the top extravagant, but nice sweet sixteen for our daughter.... in the end, I think its possible we would be able to scrounge up maybe $1,000, which sounds like a lot but its not much to go on for a party... Im a pretty crafty person so I know I could put together centerpieces, maybe some cupcakes, and decorations and scrounge up a handmedown dress, but I don't think 1,000 dollars would be anywhere near enough for a venue, dj, food for 40 people, etc. I know the first thing people are going to say is do diy decorations, have it in someones backyard, use an ipod for music, and have family help get together food, and I really appreciate those suggestions, but I want an actual sweet sixteen at and actual venue with an actual dj! Thank you so much for any suggestions I truly appreciate it!