> Do you think Manny Pacquiao used steroids?

Do you think Manny Pacquiao used steroids?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I do think its a little outrageous that he was walking through weight classes like nobody's business. It makes you think

what your basis?

-he walked through weightclasses???? he skipped one weightclass and it's bigdeal??? bullsh!te, broner's been walking up and down 129-141 weightclasses in the past and nobody questioned him cuz there's nothin wrong w/ that...

-whatelse; he's afraid of needles??? fu
- his head enlarged just like what floydee claims; man, it was really paranoia that gave him that illusion... have you seen jmm head nowadays? tell me it aint enlarged, fool!!!

- what, that he was KOing top mexican fighters; man, he's been KOing the asians long before we went global dumdum.... he's a one punch KO machine since the beginning

- that he was KOed before; do you even know boxing? pac's swarmer, they suffer loses because of the way they fight

- he begun losing after floyd accused him??? did he really? against who, bradley? against the roided jmm who got a lucky break last time? man, pac stopped KOing anybody when he turned welter, do you even know physics? his opponents werent small featherweights and lightweights anymore, what do you expect? even before floyd begun accusing him, he already failed to KO cotto and delahoya...

the last elite he KOed was hatton and it was at jr.welterweight...you understand now???

-whatelse, that he refused floyd's ridiculous test? why would you believe when somebody say you're adopted when your entire life you're raised as a true offspring of your mother and father, specially coming not from a friend?... would you take the DNA test right away, are you dumb? you gotta weigh 1st the validity of that accusation, stoop!!! pac never said no, he just took a while before he said yes..

-the fact is, nothing's out there that can even suggest pac was/is juicing.... well except floyd who obviously made demands after demands just to avoid fighting pac... he's the one who got some articles/rumors about testing positive on the ortiz and cotto fights w/c GBP, TMT & USADA is trying to hide...

I think you all are taking the "I am afraid of needles" answer too seriously ..

There is a drug-test at the end of every fight and we have never received a report of Manny failing one.

It is not the steroid "wearing off" that has made him slower. Pacquiao is not in his prime anymore and I'm not surprised that he's not as fast as he used to be.

Why is it so hard to believe when someone does something amazing, but if it was the opposite, we wouldn't even think twice.

Most of these top althletes said they were clean - Barry Bonds, recently Braun in MLB, Lance Armstrong, A-Rod, Mark McGuire, Marion Jones, Von Miller (recent) and the list of top athletes using drugs in ALL major sports is gigantic. See below on wiki link.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dop... <---And this is only the people caught.

It is na?ve to think that someone who refused to take blood tests for 2 1/2 years was clean. Most major sports have steroids, including boxing. RJJ and Mosely juiced. Most major sports, the top athletes deny it, deny it, deny it, but all end up coming clean about steroid use.

Do I care that Manny juiced? Not really. Did Manny juice? Absolutely. Failing to take a drug test for 2 1/2 years throws up a huge indicator. Anyone that doesn't think Manny juiced is blinded by their adoration for him. But who did Manny beat while he was juicing? A bunch of boxers coming off career losses at catchweights and most were old men. Let's be honest.

Why are you people still in denial? Just about the entire boxing world has now become to realize that the powerful version of Pacman suspiciously disappeared when the heat was on due to doping speculation. Which caused him to cease using steroids and also caused JMM to start using steroids and the result was a JMM KO. Don't you all find it rather strange that he all of a sudden is not afraid of needles or doesn't believe that the test will weaken him? Why wouldnt he take the Mayweather test? Answer: He was doping....dopes

of course paquiao took steroids a common steroid site affect is cramps in your legs or arms look at he's last fights and you'll hear him talking about it.....I don't take anything away from him but you have to be really stupid to not notice that


I don't think he did. Aside from a positive test result, or someone from his camp swearing under oath that he did, I won't believe it. I get why many people think so, but I just count it that he's a freak of nature. If you take 20 people and train them all like Pac has been training, you might get 1 or 2 people who will turn out like him. Everybody has their own talents, and his just happens to be suited for boxing.

Like B.O.D. said

If you look at the time line it took pacquiao years to get that big and also understand he wasn't knocking people out due to raw power he was knocking them out because of his speed.Its the punches you don't see that put you down.

If anything look at it like this he has had countless urine test and a few blood test and has passed them all.If the Arod thing in baseball has taught us anything its that eventually something will come out to prove you guilty and Pacquiao has never had anything come out to say he is guilty.

No.. the transformation of his physical appearance was not made "Steriod fast" it took him from 1995 to 2008 to go from 105 to like 140 no fat.. it doesnt take steriods to do that. if he was on steroids he would've got to that in a little over 2 months. it was Not over night in reality & steroids dont help your boxing skills and dont give you punching power. probably just help your physical appearance or help you get in shape or maybe a little more stamina... Lifting strength maybe... You are not lifting anything in the boxing ring steroids wont affect somebody's boxing skills really.. its not going to make you a better boxer.

he went up the welters after beating david diaz... from light to welter...so he jumped the jr.welterweight, one weightclass...so what? was he ever tested positive? was anybody who came out from his camp ever confirmed floyd's accusation? any rumors, articles, videos that pac indeed used PEDs?

like this one????....count 14 phrases down and read, enjoy it;


I do think its a little outrageous that he was walking through weight classes like nobody's business. It makes you think

of course he did

how the hell we went from

Flyweight to Middleweight

Of course not

Obviously yes. He didn't want to fight mayweather because he was "scared of needles"

Physically no, and from how I've seen him outside of the ring, he seems pretty calm so no.