> Dinner Party?

Dinner Party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I'm sorry, but I have to weigh in here.

1. You are in an AP class, why would you select these people (two of whom aren't even US citizens) and about whom you don't know enough to create a pretend conversation. You will need to research these individuals public statements and writings about the political situations in the United States during their very short lives.

2. These people may be important in terms of contemporary music, but I don't think most teachers would consider them historical figures. The point of the assignment would be to consider the political and historical ideas of important players in US history.

For my AP US History class i have to hold a dinner party with 5 historical figures of my choice. I chose Tupac Shakur, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon, and Bob Marley. I need to hold a conversation between them and I'm having a creative block. How would a conversation between these five people go. p.s I am free to talk during the dinner too