> Could I fight this guy?

Could I fight this guy?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Of course you could take him. Just keep that fist aligned with the wrist, punch him right in the nose, then while he's confused punch the **** out of his face. When he is about to recover jab him in the throat making him unable to breath buying yourself more time. Continue the *** whipping. You can alternate nose and throat, until you are ready to consummate the beating by raping him.

I've always been told to not go in a fight overly confident. You really shouldn't fight, but if you do, just make sure he doesn't grab you and get you to the ground. His weight will probably keep you there and you'd just get your *** handed to you.

Ask him for a fight after school tomorrow! You guys totally need to scrap and you will probably win.

Someone said you are a girl but you're a guy...right? That's what your question said. Obviously a guy can't fight a girl but this is about two guys- right? You guys should settle it after school.

That guy probably won't fight you because you're a girl.

My question had nothing to do with N64. Spam is annoying.


So I;m not trying to get in a fight at school or anything tomorrow, but I just want your opinions.

So I'm a skinny black guy, but I have some muscle, and there's this guy at my school. He's, putting it lightly, a stereotypical ******. He's the type that cusses, busts people out (Says something to put them on the spot) for laughs, and pretty much an "a" hole. I'm a "white" speaking person, based on what other people say, that talks properly like a human being. I don't do bad things in school, in fact I'm a lil shy. Anyway, this guy I'm talking about is bigger than me, but not by much. He's not "buff" or anything; He's more like "big." He carries some fat and muscle on him. Last year he used to bully me and put me on the spot a lot; He also does it sometimes this year. I used to be scared of him, but I didn't have the muscle or courage I have now. I'm not scared of him anymore, that's why I'm asking if you think I'd win in a tangle with him. My knuckles are hard as a rock, and I guess I know how to fight. I've never been in one before though, but I do do a little training, I should say. I know how to punch pretty hard and all that (Jabs, Swing punches, etc.) I've never seen the guy fight before, but I have this "gut" feeling that I can beat him. I'm not in way over my head or anything. I want some input; Do you think I could beat him?