> Circle of Death Rules?

Circle of Death Rules?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Ace- waterfall ( person turns up whatever they are drinking as well as everyone else in circle until person that pulle te card stops or runs out)

2- you

3- me

4- whores ( girls)

5- jive ( person who pulled cards starts dancing or does a jive, last person to jive drinks)

6- ***** ( guys)

7- heaven

8- pick a date ( someone that drinks with you)

9- bust a rhyme ( picks a word then goes around circle until cant rhyme)

Jack- make a rule

Queen- question ( ask a question if the person doesn't respond with another question they drink)

King- never have I ever( if u have done whatever they say then drink)

Circle of death is a fun drinking game that utilizes a deck of playing cards arranged around a central cup. The cards are arranged in almost a doughnut shape around said cup with all the cards being face-down. Players have to either "give out" drinks or even drink themselves based upon the card that they pick when it is their turn. Th

Points of note:

Each card "means something" or in essence has a "rule" attached to it.

These meanings or rules must be determined before the game starts.

There is many variations of what a card means based usually on the region that your playing the game--whats referred to as "house rules".

The cup in the middle can be either empty in the beginning or a beer and/or wine and spirits.

Circle of Death - Card Rules

Ace = "waterfall" | Basically each player stands then begins to drink their beverage, Once the player that had originally pulled the card has stopped then the person clockwise of them can then stop as well. In this scenario you do not want to be the last player at the end of the waterfall. No one can stop drinking until the player before then stops as well.

2 = "you" | If you pick this card then you can assign another player to take a drink

3 = "me" | If you pick this card then you have to take a drink yourself

4 = "floor" | Once this card is picked then everyone puts their hands on the table face down--as if you were slapping the table with both hands. The last person to do this has to drink--similar to the nose game.

5 = "guys" | All the males in the room must drink

6 = "chicks" | All the females in the room must drink.

7 = "heaven" | Once this card is pulled all the players put their hands to the sky. The last one to do so much drink--similar to nose game and opposite of "floor".

8 = "pick-a-mate" | If you pcik this card then you must pick another player as your "mate" or drinking partner. Any time the original player drinks then his/her mate must as well.

9 = "bust-a-rhyme" | If you pick this card then you must say a phrase or sentence. Then clockwise the player to their left much say another phrase or sentence which rhymes with the last word of the original. No rhyming word can be used twice. Whomever messes up first or runs out of words to rhyme must drink.

For the game Circle of death.

What are some good examples for "Never Have I Ever"???

For example Never have I ever kissed some one of the same sex...

What are some other good ones????