> Cheerleading/standing back tuck help?

Cheerleading/standing back tuck help?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
a couple days off can be brutal, especially because your standing tuck is a relatively new skill for you. I'm sure once your back to regularly scheduled training, everything will be okay! Try to get more rest or maybe work out to get your strength up.

I would say to just practice it only a daily basis. You most likely have a mental block for some reason, but if you have landed it perfectly before then just keep practicing and you should have no problem landing it again.

probably a little both. happened to me when i first got my back handspring. after a little bit of sleep adjustment and practice i got it back ! dont worry(:

do practice and use a spotter like you mom

I have had my standing back tuck solid for almost 4 monthesr now. But we just had four days off for christmas break. And now I jist dont do it thay.good any more! People tell me to pull more and jump up. But I feel like I am. Im not afraid to throw it I just land then put one hand down or.land.on.my feet then drop to.my knees. I dont know if it is because I havemt been to my regular gymnastics class because of the jolidays or because I am just so tired because practice has been at 8 am and I have been.waking up at 6:45 and stauing uo to 11:30- or 12!! This has been going on.for today and yester day. Any advice?!?