> Cheerleading Try Outs Tomorrow & I'm Very Nervous!?

Cheerleading Try Outs Tomorrow & I'm Very Nervous!?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
If you can't look at the judges in the eye, then look at their forehead or nose or even the wall behind them. Remember to always smile and do facials. Remember to be sharp as well because if you mess up but you're sharp, then 9 times out of ten, they'll think you did the right move. If you have the dance, cheer, and chant down, then there's nothing to worry about. Good luck and smile!

Ok first of all Been there!!! So Well you are doing your routine, just focus on how confident you are in yourself and all the skills you can do and how great they are perfected. If you have a crush, or somebody you hate just show off. Know how good you are and do your best. And if you should do everything perfect, if somebody makes fun of you just say bet you cant do that so stop. Don't worry you will do great! And most of all during your routine HAVE FUN! Trust me its fun to show off and land everything perfect!

Just smile and have facials! Try not to over think it. And if you mess up, dont focus on it, keep going. As my coach always says, "Fake it, 'til you make it." Try not to be too stressed about it, be sharp and confident (but not overly confident).Try not to stare directly at their eyes if you dont have to. I get nervous too and i prefer to stair at the back wall or slightly above the people. Good luck :)

if you mess up, pretend like you didnt even make a mistake, and keep smiling. smile at all times. good luck! (:


ok...these are all jumps..ok?


if those aren't working for you...here are cheer jumps for beginners...


ok, now...this is every tip you could ever ask for for tryouts...tips and ideas...use this link...there is not a tip for tryouts, that isnt here...you are set...but, use all of this stuff, ok?


and these are cheers, chants and motions...you wanted something short...there should be a good chants here,,,probably hundreds



So, I'm in 7th grade & I'm trying out for my 8th grade year in middle school. I know the dance, chant, and cheer down pack!! It's just when I get in front of people I automatically freeze up & mess up my routine! I really wanna make the team & have a great time on the team. I just need help with my nervousness. Hopefully I'll make the team! Please give me any tips on my cheering too if you want! Thanks for your answers!

~xoxoCourtney :)