> Cheap party food ideas ?

Cheap party food ideas ?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Small sandwiches are almost a "must" at parties and are cheap. Hummus is an easy and inexpensive spread you can make and serve as filling for bagels. You can buy frozen bagels at grocery stores.

Another low-budget food that you can never go wrong with at a party is pizza. You can buy ready-made dough and then all you will need is throw some pizza sauce, pepperoni and shredded cheese (if you have cookie cutters use them to cut the pizza into shapes and turn them into bit-sized portions).

For something healthier, apples are one of the cheapest fruits you can purchase. Buy a bag of apples, slice them then arrange on a serving tray and serve with caramel dip or mix vanilla yogurt and honey for dip.

Pasta salad is another very easy and inexpensive food that kids usually love. Add a few ingredients you may already have on hand, such cubbed tomatoes, grated carrots...you can serve them in individual small bowls.

For dessert: brownies are a really cheap option and are easy to make. Purchase a packaged brownie mix and after baking, add frosting and sprinkles on top and cut into bite-sized pieces. Another cheap - and low-calorie - dessert is gelatin, serve them in cups, they give a splash of color at the table food.

Well, that's it. Finger food such as small sandwiches, crackers, potato chips, dips, pizza, fruit and vegetable trays are fairly inexpensive. You can have a decent party without spending a lot of money. When you shop for food use coupons, look for sales and always give yourself plenty of time to shop so you can bargain and get great deals.

A packet of digestive biscuits goes a long way and they look great if you decorate them with icing and smarties. You can make icing really cheaply with sifted icing sugar mixed with a little water and a drop of food colouring, and it acts like edible glue to hold the smarties in place. You can make great looking ladybird biscuits with red icing and chocolate buttons.

Go for fruit squashes instead of fizzy drinks as they work out a lot cheaper. One bottle each of orange and blackcurrant is usually enough, depending on how many you've got coming.

Most young children seem to prefer plain and pleasant when it comes to sandwiches, so no need to go over the top. Some cheese, some ham and some jam should do well.

1)warm bean dip with melted Cheddar cheese on top-nachos on the side

2)oven smores- graham crackers/marshmallow,Hershey's chocolate melted - in individual servings :)

3)use a gingerbread man cookie cutter and make sugar cookies plain and let them decorate it with M&M's, icing and other candies.

4)boys like bugs so how about some gummy worm cupcakes? It's chocolate cupcakes with gummy worms in them! I've enclosed a link to get you started.

As far as a theme: you could do a ninja theme party and they would make their own costumes just using scissors and tape. Use the plastic tablecloths at a "Smart and Final" or the "99 cent store" as the material. I would buy all my supplies at the "99cent" store. You'll save a ton of money! Good Luck! Sounds like fun! :)

Okay, you can supply the stuff like chex mix, candy bowls, chips, punch, etc. and maybe also buy one bag of bread and make little sandwiches. You can ask everyone to bring a covered dish to contribute outside of that and there will be a smorgasbord for everyone with leftovers to boot. I also suggest combining the two birthdays and having one big party for both and just making it a family affair with select close friends of both children. However, if the teenager will oppose and he/she wants dancing and "teen stuff" then same idea just two parties. For the teenager party you can disguise it as Food Network Cookoff Party and have everyone create a dish and bring it to the party for everyone to taste and judge. The winner gets a goodie bag of stuff (the only goodie bag there will be).

From experience I have found Icelands stores stock some very good party food that is cheap e.g. different kind of platters - Thai, Indian, Chinese, etc. Same for desserts and puddings. Best of all is that you do not have to cook but only warm or heat it up before serving.

Pasta Noodles Cake SoftDrinks

If both parties have a small amount of guest try burgers and frozen fries get a pack of each from bjs or costco. Its easy and affordable for small amount of people. Also use similar color schemes so you can reuse the decoration!

Pin rolls

Back yard BBQ grill hot dogs and make pasta salad, play games and make a camp fire and roast marshmallows cheap and FUN not many people get to experience these things!

Sandwiches and chips...get big french loaves, make them in to ginormous sandwiches and then slice up for individual servings. Plus chips...or potato salad.

Hot dog bar. Cook hot dogs, if you have a crock pot or chafing dish, use it to keep them warm. Put out hot dog toppings...mustard, ketchup, relishes, tomato, cheese, chili, kraut, onion, etc.

Nacho bar (or french fries). Same deal, get a large bag of chips and put out nacho toppings. Processed nacho cheese sauce can be kept warm in a crock pot. Tomato, green onion, sour cream, olives, salsa, jalapenos, etc.

Baked potato bar. Bake potatoes in foil and they'll stay hot in the foil for a long time.

Lasagna or spaghetti, salad and garlic bread.

pizza bagels


chips and dip or tostitos and salsa

freeze juice and make ice pops



cheese and crackers

I have 6 children so the party budget is tight ! Don't get me wrong , i absolutely adore my sweethearts and wouldn't change them for the world, but it does make birthdays hard. Coming up are my 13 year old and 8 year old sons partys ! Cheap party / party food ideas ?

yes if there cheap then everyone come to party and enjoy for foods

i like it cheap party ........no need to buy anything from outside we can eat home made food. you can make home make sweet .

anim cracks and snort lines of cheez frum cheez puffs get krunk!!!!!!!!!