> Chances of boxing career at 19?

Chances of boxing career at 19?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Unless you've been boxing as an amateur (not kick boxing), and you're already 19 your chances of getting into the Olympics are extremely remote if not nigh impossible.

You should take a few classes to get the fundamental s of boxing in tact and the start training but going pro in 1-2 years is really not good you should at least take 5 years

Not olympics but pro yes Hasim Rahman started at 22

Hopkins, Wright, Martinez and Toney to some extent started in their late teens to early 20s...

If you're a genuine athlete and enjoyed your previous experiences with combat, I'd say go for it.

Best of luck.

World middleweight champion 38 year old Sergio Gabriel Martinez didn't start boxing until he was 20 years old.

So it can be done

The way boxing is these days anyone can be a boxer, you do not have to be great to be recognised anymore because everyone is contantly looking for someone to follow to change the boxing era to more stronger

You're like the 1000000th person to ask this question. Look, you can do anything you put your mind to so long as you have a good work ethic

sergio martinez started when he was 20. get hit a bunch of times and see if you still want it

Why not bro ? Give yourself a chance . Train hard.

do it man its not about age its about the way you train don't listen to people saying you can't

Hey guys,quick question here. Basically,do you think I stand any chances of getting somewhere in boxing(such as competing in the olympics),given that I've started doing boxing at the age of 19.

Before you answer...This isn't the first time I'm getting into a fighting sport. I've been in and out of kickboxing types since I was 7(so around 10 years now). I have technique and experience using it.I'm not really new to it,I've just never done 'pure' boxing before.I've also never competed before.