> Can you self teach yourself boxing?

Can you self teach yourself boxing?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Not all trainers are good trainers, but you can't teach yourself how to box properly without some help. There is just no way.

You really need to work with a credible trainer, hands on. If you try to teach yourself how to box, you'll be flawed in your technique no doubt because you won't have someone there to point out and correct mistakes, and you'll develop bad habits as a result. Bad habits as far as boxing technique are hard to break, and it takes time and repetition of doing things in the right way to embed it into your memory and make it instinctive. You could try to do things on your own, but I promise you'll have a lot of flaws in your technique because you won't even know what you're doing wrong to begin with. The best thing you could do is have someone teach and guide you in the right way from the start, if you can afford it.

One thing to think about; as I eluded to earlier, is that if you do try to do this yourself and then somewhere down the road decide you want to start training in a gym, your progress as far as your technique will be notably slower than it would be if you hadn't tried to teach yourself first because of all the time it will take to correct the mistakes that you've made into habits, and that is going to frustrate you. I have seen this first hand. The guy got so frustrated with being corrected and at the pace of his progression that he just gave up and quit.



No you can't teach yourself how to box. You can work out and hit punching bags. But chances are you are doing it wrong and would get pummeled by anyone with real training.

You could train and get in shape for boxing, and could teach yourself to know how to look good shadow boxing partially. but the little things like foot placement, and things you dont see would be a problem with no one to tell you whats wrong.


If I were to have the right size punching bag and equipment, would I be able to learn the basics of boxing to some extent I'd be able to hold my own in a fight? (Not that I want to start any) I don't know much about boxing, so I have no idea whether it's complicated or not to get the right techniques, and that whether you can just get them off Youtube, or you need a trainer to teach you it properly so you don't do yourself some damage. All I'd like to know is the basics of boxing, the footwork, fast and hard punches, And I'm kinda shy so I wouldn't really want to join a club.