> Can you kiss your...?

Can you kiss your...?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
it depends on the school and squad. thats how mine is. you cant show any pda. if your in your uniform your representing your team.

like a police officer has a uniform that represents a town or district. So anything they do reflects upon the integrity of that town.

A uniform for a school cheerleader worn by a girl (or guy) that is seen making out with someone in the school corridor is a poor representation for the school as a whole.

Schools everywhere are cracking down on what kids do. And although it takes you until you are in your 30's or older to realize it, the rules do seem stupid during your teenage years.

For a lot of schools that's right. In uniform you are not only representing yourself but your team as well.

school rules i beleive. mine doesnt. but doesnt mean your doesnt either.

LOL I think she's messing with you but idk if your school has that kinda rule look it up. I doubt it tho.

My friend told me that you can't kiss or hug your boyfriend in the hallway during the school day if you are in your cheerleader uniform. Is that true? I don't know if she is messing with me or not.