> Can you box with epilepsy?

Can you box with epilepsy?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Better consult your doctor if he approves then have him sign something to prove to your coach you're approved to box.

I would not advise this. I have a minor form of epilepsy. It is nothing to be ashamed of. However in boxing you take a terrific head pounding which could make your condition worse or trigger a seizure while you are sparring or fighting. You also may not be able to get licensed. I would check with your doctor. Other sports are safer from a standpoint of contact and the chance for injury. Also remember epilepsy is a neurological brain disorder. I think the training for boxing is great but I would avoid sparring fighting or any kind of contact especially to the head.

No responsible organisation, committee or governing body would allow that. I'm sorry but no. Even trying to get an unlicensed bout in some dodgy gym after hours would be hard going if you were honest with the event manager when he asked you about any medical conditions.

It's for your own safety why they wouldn't allow it.

if you want to become a famous boxer and you if you have photogenic epilepsy when the cameras flash you will have a seizure but if you don't have photogenic you will be alright because my mate does mma and he haves seizures aswell and ive seen him take some punches and he was fine so I would say go for it chase your dreams!

Yeah, but not very well. You had best avoid head trauma if you have epilepsy, I would suggest finding another activity.

Yeah I suppose you could but its not recommended.

You can suffer strokes naturally from being knocked out, it would be a very bad idea.

I highly doubt it. That's a huge risk for gyms to take insurance-wise. Sorry duder. Fuuck, that sucks.

Just train! Chase your dreams. Dont let anybody tell u that u cant.

Well it depends on what types of Boxes. FedEx or UPS? FedEx would be a better place to work with a medical condition because of their great health care rules. Not so good with UPS.

Hey guys, I was wondering if you can do competitive boxing with epilepsy? I had petit mall seizures jsut the staring out since i was a kid. Basicly I really havent had a seizure in several years. I really want to compete at my local gym and I keep trying to look up if i can and no luck finding anything. I want to live my life not being afraid of epilepsy. I love boxing and want to compete. so any help would be amazing. This is boxing in the Ohio, US. Golden Gloves in in april of next year so hoping to find out more by then.