> Can you Super Man Punch in boxing?

Can you Super Man Punch in boxing?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Is it Legal to perform in boxing?


And you would get killed.

Yes, you see lots of poor boxing in MMA, but that is because wrestling is the primary skill needed. Boxing skills were added so wrestlers could finish off the Jiu Jitsu boys.....ground and pound.

Boxing is the non plus ultra of striking. You never put yourself in an open position, or you will pay. Instead, you lead with a jab, use footwork, and wait for openings.

A very few boxers have been able to get away with antics like these, and they had unusual hand speed. Ali was one, and you can see him demonstrate right hand leads in round one of his match with Foreman.

He got away with it, but anyone else would have been knocked senseless.

People are going to think a fighter who does that is a fool. Only barely skilled ham n' eggers who enter toughman contests would be dumb enough to throw such a punch. No boxer with any skill would ever throw "the Superman punch."

You can, but out of general principal, I would never attempt a maneuver named after a comic book super hero while in a boxing ring. Just no.

Sure you can if you want to get knocked out. Unless your opponent is barely standing, it's a foolish move. I can't think of a punch that leaves a boxer more defensively vulnerable. It would be very easy to avoid and counter.

I suppose you could, but it would look silly and really shouldn't be effective. A superman punch works because of the threat of being kicked.

You can try but it will only leave you WIDE open for a counter punch or possibly a flash knockdown.

I would love to see someone try this only to get caught by an uppercut mid air and go flying streer fighter style.

jcc Sr did it to Roger in the first fight


Is it Legal to perform in boxing?