> Can i beat this guy in a fight?

Can i beat this guy in a fight?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
It's all about confidence just believe you can win and as far as skill and strength you win but anything could happen

Dang buddy. first thing you should do ostensibly go get 2 books. don't read them online get real books. 1 is called "the art of war" by Sun Tzu the other is called "the book of 5 rings" written by Myamotto Musashi they are the best books about combat ever written. combat is not physical it is mental. if you are unsure about winning a battle, you have already lost. you have to get into your opponents head. also while boxing is cool, you should consider using your legs. legs are longer than most arms and they are stronger. Some people can take a right hook to the head like nothing happened. few people can stay awake after getting kicked in the head. and after reading those 2 books and training your body and mind, know this....violence is wrong. an eye for an eye only makes the world blind.

You lift wights up to 90 pounds? If that is doing squats, give it up now, if it is doing lateral raises you can probably take him.

(ps, while I'm pretty sure your question is meant in jest 14 year old uncle joe, Micheal is right that those are the best two books you can possibly read. Their lessons are applicable across any field of conflict not just the physical, in fact they make clear that the battle is one on a non-physical level. They have never failed me in my work as a trial attorney (thumbs up for him)).


this guy is more energetic than me,moves a lot,but sucks at fighting ,he fought one time and got tied,im thicker than him but not fat fat. I have some experience in boxing but not much, i lift weights up to 90 lbs. He has no weights except these bars of steel that are about 20 lbs. Hes taller. We are both 14. Who would win?