> Can Klitscho break Joe Louis' records?

Can Klitscho break Joe Louis' records?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
He can break a couple of those. I think he will definitely break the most heavyweight title fights record.

Only if another American Buck Sargent can fight a Nazi paratrooper on the brink of WWII with the entire world watching or listening to it on the radio with the heavyweight championship of the world hanging in the balance. The second Louis/Schmeling fight might have been the biggest sporting event in the history or sports, not to mention the biggest boxing match. It certainly was the biggest propaganda coup in the history of warfare. Given that humanity hung in the balance of that war, it is unlikely that Klitschko could even come close to the legacy Joe Louis left. The American civil rights movement tends to forget that Joe Louis was one of history's first Black professional golfers, no knock on Tiger Woods or the Klitschko's, but Joe Louis is a historical figure. Vitali's historical impact in the Ukraine is arguably similar, but Wlad and Tiger are just a boxer and a golfer. Louis is a historical figure, with few equals.

Joe Louis was a true champion, not a belt holding "titlest", so your answer is no, Klitschko cannot break Joe's records, boxing has changed so much that that would be impossible. Technically boxing hasn't had a "champion" since the alphabet soup sanctioning body's fragmented the championship into the numerous belts each claim has meaning. Even modern greats like Lewis, Jones and Pac had trouble getting around the sewer modern boxing politics created.

Maybe he can break the length of time record, but fighting only once or twice a year like he's currently doing won't cut it in terms of the consecutive title defenses.

I bet you would love Klitschko to break those records wouldn't you Vince?

One problem; Joe Louis was the undisputed heavyweight champion when he did that record.

Wladimir Klit needs the WBC before he can start his count. Nice try.

What next? Is Samson Dutch Boy Gym going to break Julio Cesar Chavez streak? LOL

He definitely holds the record for weakest title reign

Well, if he did break it, Louis would still break him.

Louis will always be better and fought better fighters

If he keep signing, unproven cans, then yeah.

1. Title Reign:

Louis 11 years, 8 months, 8 days

Klitschko almost 8 years

2. Succesful Consecutive Defenses:

Louis 25

Klitschko 15

3. Succesful Total Defenses:

Louis 25

Klitschko 20

4. Most heavyweight title fights:

Louis (26–1) = 27

Klitschko (22-2) = 24

IMO #2 is almost impossible to break