> Can Girls Skateboard?

Can Girls Skateboard?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 

yeah girls are suppose to have a better center of gravity which increases balance. First you got to find that balance by practicing standing on one foot like a flamingo. A regular stance on a skateboard is left foot forward while the right foot pushes, but some people have different stances like mongo, goofy, and goofy mongo.

Yeah girls can skateboard!! I myself wouldn't do it though because I'm a really clumsy person. If you want to skateboard then you should be able to do that. It doesn't matter whether your a guy or a girl, just do it.

if practice why not :)

Can they? I'm a girl and I really want to skateboard! However, it's a guy's sport so is it wrong for me to skateboard? I'm not a bad kid! I get straight A's and have no gotten in trouble, I really want one but I don't think my mom wants me to be because its a guy thing. So can girls skateboard or is it just plain out wrong?