> Bruce Lee or Mohammad Ali?

Bruce Lee or Mohammad Ali?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Who would win in a fight?

People who think Bruce lee would win are dumb, lee himself was a huge Ali and boxing fan and this is a famous quotation from lee " I don't fear someone who practices a 1000 things once but I do fear someone who practices 1 thing a 1000 times" it goes something like that but you get the point he's trying to make . Rather be a master at one discipline than a jack of all trades, good boxer beats good martial artist on street 8 out of 10 times because boxers are best at controlling distance and pinching from angles which casual fight fans underestimate because they don't understand the importance of aspects like timing , range etc. however a real fighter like me would as I've won street fights in past simply by controlling range , Side stepping and bammm left hook , good night! Boxing is greatest discipline plus Ali would have size advantage over lee' but tbh a real fighter only fights in ring street fights are for a bunch of meatheads who think they hard.

The answer to this is quite simple. It depends how'd they fight. If it'd be a boxing match, using strict boxing rules, Ali would win simply because he's a trained and experienced professional boxer with a distinct advantage in size. If it were a street fight or an MMA-type contest, Lee would win because that's his forte.

this is a question asked many times. bruce lee was a martial artist and fast at that. ali was bigger and better puncher in a boxing match ali would win. in a no holds fight bruce lee

edit adam. bruce lee would not beat ali in a boxing match I know allot about bruce lee I know his punch was very very fast but boxing gloves slow down your punch by a mile also I saw that video of bruce lee punching the boxing bag his shots are very wild ali would counter them blind

Bruce Lee was a martial artist, Ali a boxer, I would have to say Bruce Lee would have had a distinct advantage.

Ali wins.

Bruce Lee said so himself that the only person that he thinks would stand a chance against him is Muhammad Ali and that he wants to fight him one day but he sadly couldn't as he died too young. I will tell you my opinion.

I see people say "Street Fight - Bruce Lee" or "Boxing Match - Muhammad Ali" but I disagree and let me tell you why.


I think everyone knows Bruce Lee would win, he has a HUGE advantage and that is that he can punch, kick, elbow, knee, grapple, jointlocks and submissions. Muhammad can only attack with punches and can only block punches.

You might say he could kick Bruce but he'd most probably do it wrong and break his foot, you can't teach yourself kicks like front, side, back, thrust, hook, roundhouse etc without the training.

Bruce Lee would do whatever he wanted in a fight, if he wanted to punch you in the face then he will and you can't stop him whoever you are as he was too fast. He used to tell people in sparring matches where he was going to hit them and they still couldn't block it.

In tournaments there are rules, on the street there is no rules whatsoever and anything goes. Bruce Lee's was a street fighter and his fight history speaks for itself and I will post it below, his fights finished in seconds and by knockout, not after 10 rounds or by decision.

He was called out for a fight with the triad gang leader, while Bruce was taking off his jacket the guy hit him which made Bruce furious and causing him to break the nose, jaw, ribs and both arms of his opponent.

He was asked to fight by a Karate Black Belt, the time keeper who was Ed Hart stated "the fight lasted exactly 11 seconds and every one thought Bruce had killed him".

He was called out by an extra who was shouting that his just an actor and not a fighter. They threw one shot each, Bruce deflected it with his shoulder then kicked the guy in the face. It was so fast the guy didn't even notice it, when he opened his mouth to laugh at Bruce, loads of blood and teeth came out, but Instead of firing the extra he decided to give him some tips about fighting.

He was challenged by another street fighter, he beat the guy landing 22 punches and 1 kick.

He went out to his back garden to find that a challenger had climbed over his wall for a fight, he was so angry at the guy he defeated him breaking his ribs with one side kick. He said that it's the hardest kick his ever done to someone for putting his family in danger.

He won another match against a Savate Master winning with one side kick in front of all the masters students, the Master was so embarrassed he apologised to Bruce for underestimating his power.

He won a fight against a Chinese Kung Fu Master and Champion named Wong Jack Man. In the fight Wong ran around the room trying to get away because he didn't stand a chance. When he was caught Bruce repeatedly punched him in the face and then swept his legs slamming him on the ground where Wong gave up.

He was also called out by a 10th degree black belt and four time world champion who has beaten Chuck Norris, his name was Victor Moore. Bruce was demonstrating his unstoppable punch, Vic couldn't stop it so he got frustrated and called him out for a fight. Only to get dominated while Bruce wore a blindfold.


Everyone would most likely favour Muhammad Ali, what they don't know is that Bruce Lee punched quicker then anyone else including every boxer. His punch was five hundredths of a second fast and seeing how his one inch punch was harder then Mike Tyson's full swing so just imagine being hit by his actual punch. OUCH!

To be honest I don't know who to favour here, Bruce Lee wouldn't have been able to counter or guide Muhammad Ali's punches out of his way like in Wing Chun as the big gloves wouldn't allow grip. He only ever took one attack in a fight and that was a sucker punch when he was removing his jacket so why would he ruin that reputation against Muhammad?

Bruce Lee was 1958 Boxing Champion so he does have boxing experience and he was also 1958 Cha Cha Dancing Champion which helped with his footwork, if you disagree then you should know Ali also was a dancer.

I favour Bruce Lee in both, one side kick from him and its all over.

Who would win in a fight?