> Boxing problem please help?

Boxing problem please help?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Don't think that's too much of a problem. Your whole body doesn't need to move in sync when throwing a punch unless its a jab. When u first start boxing n they make u practice that jab for endless weeks, that's to get your footwork sorted so u can throw a jab going forwards n backwards

well im not exactley with these other guys, the main issue with punching with just your arm is not just the power, im sure you can still throw a fairly quick and strong punch though it wont be to your maximimum potential. The main issue I see is endurance, its gonna take a lot out of your shoulders to punch with nothing but your arms, and Im sure youve noticed that strain on the shoulders. Once your body gets something down its pretty hard to break, im no expert but from my experience punching from the whole body takes less out of you than just using your upper body. And to the guy who said you don't need your hips and feet for punches other than jabs that is totally not true, the only time you would punch without using your whole body is when your throwing quick combinations (only lifting your back heel, no hips) otherwise you want full body to maximize power shots.


well if it works for you use it to your advantage it might slip up your opponents

so i ve been boxing for a long time and just today my trainer found out that i ve been punching wrong this whole time when i punch my hand goes of a little bit faster than my foot..so I dont start the punches from my feet I punch with just my arm and the rest of the body just follows is there anyway \i can fix that?