> Boxing: how to break opponent's defense?

Boxing: how to break opponent's defense?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
He can not cover his entire body and face at the same time.

Something is open.

Usually the sides just below the ribs are good spots.

His gloves can not protect his entire head, either the face or ears can be hit.

Besides if you pound him even on the gloves or arms you will win the fight. No one wins by getting hit and not hitting the other guy.

Boxing or fighting is not a game nor a quick settlement. Fight running away, make him come out of his shell and chase you more. Circle all around him all day and throw an overhand right or left uppercut to the body and etc....but make yourself elusive though. Don't fight.

there will always be an open spot...

you need to develop handspeed, 1; to be able to land punches via combination even before he can cover your target..2; so you can counter, let him attack to create an openning, make sure you got a durable chin also...

if you got "power"... dont box the guy, just swarm him

in professional fights, defensive boxers are always susceptible to relentless swarmers

Work on your jab technique and jab strength.

Then a jab to the forehead will tilt your opponent's head back and hopefully leave and opening below his elbows.

I'm a beginner who just started sparring and my sparring partner is like a turtle. His long arms are always covering his face and body at the same time. I tried to go for the body but his arms are always there to block it. What should I do if i want to land a punch on his body? Should I work on my punching power more so that I can just keep hitting his arms until his arms are all jacked up? lol Does any boxer do that nowdays where they just hit their opponent anywhere and try to hurt them? I know rocky marciano could. Where ever he hits, he hurts you.