> Boxing: Who has Golovkin really fought?

Boxing: Who has Golovkin really fought?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
What's up Sean G? I real disappointed in you lol. Gennady Golovkin is

(24-0) with 27 KO's has defeated Matthew Macklin, Nobuhiro Ishida and

Kassim Ouma. Grzegorz Proksa, Gabriel Rosado and Lajuan Simon are

some decent names to have on your resume as well. He was supposed

to fight Dmitry Pirog who knocked out Daniel Jacobs, Pirog pulled out of

the fight, Felix Sturm avoided fighting him and just look at how he simply

destroyed his last two opponents. Matthew Macklin almost defeated the

great Sergio "Maravilla" Martinez I remember watching that match on HBO

last year, Jim Lampley was already writing off Sergio Martinez talking bout

father time catching up to Sergio Martinez before he rallied to get dramatic

11 Rd TKO, Macklin gave Golovkin no trouble whatsoever and he destroyed

him in 3 Rounds. The previous opponent after that Nobuhiro Ishida he went

the distance with Paul Williams, he went the distance Dmitry Pirog and he

lost Gennady Golovkin in 3 Rounds almost got KO'd through the ropes. Get

your knowledge up! These are the facts, Gennady Golovkin's the REAL deal

and he is the aire to the Middleweight crown currently held by Martinez and

lets just see after this performance who will be willing to step up to the plate

and fight Gennady Golovkin. I guarantee GGG will now be the most "avoided"

fighter in all of pro boxing. Somebody asked a question I asked the question.

Its simple man Boxing is all about money With a guy like GGG he gets put to the test alot sooner then anybody else would. Because Knock outs Put people in seats. GGG vs Martinez is a PPV for sure You think the promoter is gonna pass that up.

Martinez is not gonna fight till late 2014 GGG still has a chance to show what he has got against higher level Competition. Trust me If GGG is able to beat Chavez Jr which i think he would easy a fight is gonna be made with him and Martinez. Given Martinez age and injuries recently this match up heavily favors GGG. Even though A prime Martinez would prolly wipe the floor with him.

Its alot harder from somebody from a country most people can't even pick out on a map

get recognized in the USA. Just because he has not had Top level Competition does not mean you can't say he is one of the best Middleweights to come out in years.

He hasn't fought anyone yet. Because he has power and has a very high KO percentage, people are getting carried away before he has beaten anyone world class. Rosado and Macklin are good solid boxers, but neither of them have won world titles and have failed against world class opposition. People are saying that he will destroy Martinez, because he has such good power. However, Martinez is proven against the best and has fought many world class opponents. Even though Martinez is getting to the end of his career now, I'd still say he has a good shout at beating Golovkin, because of the greater experience he has in the big fights. Golovkin will go on to be one of the best p4p in the world, but he is a long way off that at this point in his career. He needs to fight better opponents like Geale, Quillin and Murray before he can be considered the next middleweight king.

ggg's resume still leaves alot to be desired,but saying that,he is still the front runner for sergio's crown.

at the end of the day he holds a belt and is the one making all the noise at his weight.he is also now the divisions main draw and his fanbase is growing fast.bearing that in mind and taking into consideration that martinez has recentley faced lesser opposition,i think golovkin is well within his rights to express interest in that fight.

it's not like he's turned around and demanded anything.nor has he really tried to stress any claim of being the no.2. he's just letting everyone no that he's here and he will fight anyone if given the opportunity.

i'm sure if some sort of unoffical eliminator was to present itself he would grab that opportunity with both hands

same goes for ggg's talk of ward.he hasn't demanded anything nor has he said he deserves anything.again he is just expressing interest in a fight that may not be too far down the road.to be fair aswell,he only usually ever talks of ward when he is asked about him.i gotta admit i'm a bit suprised with the attitude you have to a boxer who not only is an amazing talent but is also a good humble guy aswell.ggg is great for this sport and i think he will only do it good.

i think the ggg could clean up all these divisions.martinez,ward,froch,mayweather all these guys will most likely get licked if they get in their with him.golovkin is a once in a lifetime kind of fighter.i'm just lookin forward to watchin him take names

Besides Martinez, nobody at middleweight has really fought an elite opponent.

Geale at least beat Sturm I guess, but GGG/Quillin/JCCJR have fought nobody on the highest of levels (JCC fought Sergio though).

All of them ARE high level though, despite not fighting eachother. That's what needs to happen. The thing w/ Golovkin is that he's running through decent opposition in ridiculously easy fashion.

Macklin, Rosado, Ouma, Ishida, Proksa....all of them are durable and can fight, but Golovkin walked over them like they were dog sh*t. There's just an air of something special and violent about him.

This nonsense of GGG taking on Ward, Froch, Kessler or Bute is silly. He's a small stature power-puncher that isn't polished offensively and has flaws defensively and would get tossed around the ring like a rag doll by guys at 168. People act like moving up in weight above 160 is similar to weight jumps below, but it's completely different. That kid would be slower athletically, have less effective power and still would have to contend with fighters that are light years above what 160 has to offer. Andre Dirrell could do it, because he had a good frame to put the weight on, but a similar power freak at 160, Abraham, (although not as athletic) struggles every fight with the big guys in the division because of the loss of effective power. The number of freaks like Roy Jones that can carry the same amount of effective power at 160 & 168 are extremely rare and this kid simply isn't one of them.

That being said, this kid is the class of the division and I don't care who he has faced. Martinez no longer has the stamina to maintain his required high work rate & movement at this weight, Chavez Jr. was always a joke and Sturm has already figured out this kid aint for him. His best bet is to sit at 160, clean out the division and wait for people to come up from lower ranks like Haggler. Canelo is a perfect candidate because he's struggling to make 154 as it is.

Mayweather should not even be in that discussion. People need to learn to keep Middleweights and above out of a discussion of a possible fight with Mayweather.

As far as Martinez goes, he hasn't fought anyone either. Not his fault, but it's true. Still I think he demolish Martinez at this point of his career. He shouldn't worry about Ward until he cleans out the Middleweight division.

are you saying he doesn't deserve to fight guys like Martinez and ward? the guys a world champion. he's like 27-0 nearly all by brutal knockouts, holds the WBA and IBO belts and an Olympic medal, and is at an advanced age of 31.

who has Martinez been fighting? barker, murray and the same guy macklin who just got destroyed in 3 rounds. and andre ward? the recluse who's only good competition began in the super 6 and who refuses to do anything other than stay indoors and fight in his home town once every blue moon.

how much more does golovkin need to do? who is more deserving of a shot at facing these guys? boxing shouldn't be about the top guys resting on their laurels and turning down matches because they view themselves as superior. prove it, that's the point.

Who cares who he fought, I just want to see him fight Ward, Martinez, Chavez Jr

Sean G wait..... back up that gravy train. You're going to criticize Golovkin for not fighting anyone, but you're not going to criticize Broner?

He is talking about fights with Ward, Martinez, and Mayweather. Who has he fought to deserve these kinds of bouts? Someone asked about him fighting Hagler today...really?! Rosado? Macklin?

i know broner got better resume but GGG and broner are both hype jobs...

so what's the fuzz?????