> Boxing: Jose Suliman... RIP?

Boxing: Jose Suliman... RIP?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
A) What will you most remember about he green belt king?

That he Sucked just a little less than the rest of the Alpha-Clowns.


Sorry but, though I never wish or condone death on anyone, I just don't see much good ANY of the alpha-groups did for the sport. I have to give Sulaiman credit for the fact that the WBC was the most respected of the bunch. However, they are also partly responsible for the fact that there is a "BUNCH" of "governing bodies" in boxing.


Sulaiman is also partly responsible for Don King's rise to power. In return, Don planted himself firmly into the midst of Mexican boxing lore. As a result, being Mexican was a great thing under the Rule of Sulaiman and King.


Due respect for what they bring to the sport but I can't forget the many unfair decisions in favor of King-Sulaiman fighters.


Sulaiman is gone and King is not far behind. I know it sounds a bit morbid but for all they did for boxing, they did more for themselves. What's worse is that the new generation is even MORE self-serving, if that's even possible.


Still, Sulaiman and King are largely responsible for the fact that there is no longer much difference between a manager and a promoter. Bob Arum must also take part of the blame for this. His Ornery azz will probably live to 101 and STILL grab EVERY Dollar he can.


Sorry but I struggle to think of the positive these guys bring to the sport. They do deserve a lot of credit for the things they have accomplished but others could have done the same ........ and taken less for themselves while doing more for the sport.


There is no longer a such thing as #1 contender

It doesn't matter HOW one of their fighters loses a fight, there will always be another "Title" Created for him......................so what if he can't win it in the ring.


Sorry, I'm rambling a bit but I'm just being honest. I respect the fact that he has passed... and he has done more than the rest of his peers. Still, I don't see where ANY of them has done any more for the sport than they have done for themselves.

rest in peace, jose.

the jury was always out on him and his relationship with don king. but he made some memorable matches aswell.

Its sad that someone that he has died RIP, but boxing is better of with out him.

Ill remeber him for being corrupt.

Might've been crooked but he was a great guy and his title was the most prestigious.

yea, and his legacy is to seat pacquiaos azz next to floyd, hoping he will see floyd whoping pac b4 he sign off, he failed...

A) What will you most remember about he green belt king?