> Boxers, what would you do in a situation like this?

Boxers, what would you do in a situation like this?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I have to agree with Ronnie. I can't run or fight as well as I used to. I believe I can still hold my own at both but we live in a very different world. That used to work years ago.


I'd never want to have to resort to such, which is why I try to avoid such situations. However, I'll do what I must in order to survive. Most of this younger generation cannot be reasoned with.

A good run is better than a bad beating, and if the odds are 3 on 1 against me, I turn tail and run like hell. If they chase me, the first one that gets close enough to reach out to grasp my fleeing body, gets a side kick to the mid section and a busted bladder for his efforts. (practice this one, it's a classic, works every time) When the other two see their buddy squirming on the ground in agony, odds are they will stop chasing me, and I will live to fight another day. A good, injury free escape is always better than an honorable beating at the hands of multiple opponents. When out numbered, Sun Tzu said to evade and avoid, and running is almost always an option. lol

I live in the US and I'm licensed to carry. I don't have a whistle and a whackin' stick. I'm packin' so if they were just utterly stupid enough to try to run up on me then they'd just get shot.. There are a lot of "tough guys" out there, but I don't think many would be willing to try to walk off a bullet to the kneecap just to prove that they're tough.

I don't start drama, so if someone gets shot by me in a back alley then they deserved it.... screw all the toughguy $hit when i can just bust off and not have to break a sweat.

common sense.

I am an novice Amateur Boxer, I have had 2 fights, If I were in this position and someone was on top of me id arm-bar them (I did Judo for 3 years before Boxing).

Run away.

I have a CHL, because I am too old to take an a$$ whipping and too young to die.

If confronted by three young toughs someone is going to die and I will not be the first.

lmao id not be caught in an alley at night lmao

This is the strangest question I've ever seen.

Ok. As this guy is shorter and lighter, I beat him to a pulp but then, fearing the next 2 might be tougher (its dark, so I cant see them and they cant see me yet) I tear the small guys head off, literally.

Then throw it at the next guy and say in an exaggerated deep voice "Your next". This makes him run away and on seeing that, the third guy wonders why and just runs with him in case there is something he doesn't want to meet coming for them.

I am going to leave you in a fictional scenario, but you explain the rest of the situation according to your own point of view.

You are alone somewhere in a dark alley and there are three guys. These three guys supposedly are going to challenge you to a fist-fight to the knock-out but it will be done separately. If you manage to beat the first two guys then you have to finish the last guy.

The first fighter is about 2 inches shorter than you but ten pounds lighter. However, he takes you off-guard and tackles you and had attempted to pin you but missed and slightly fell to the side of you. Do right now your opponent is half-way on top of you. Since he cheated, you have the option to push him off of you and the rest is now up to you.