> Birthday party ideas for a 15 year old girl?

Birthday party ideas for a 15 year old girl?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I'm not sure if your parents would be okay with this, but:

1. A Tentover. I did this with my friends, even the boys, and it was really fun. I am really outdoorsy and nature-y so. We pitched the tents and watched a movie outside. We grilled burgers and had S'mores. Then in the morning we chilled and had breakfast. Doing a boys vs. girls scavenger hunt in the neighborhood would be really fun too. You just need to make sure the girls and the guys each have a tent, and then you just have to pay for food (burgers, buns, condiments, french toast, muffins, fruit.)

2. My birthday is in June so I usually have a beach party. Not sure if you live by a beach. But those are always fun because people are always swimming and playing in the sand. The food for that is probably a little more expensive.

3. A house party/ Movie night. With dinner, then movie snacks.

4. If the tent over falls through. Just have your friends over for a campfire. Do everything I listed in number 1, but everyone goes home. Especially if your parents aren't too keen with the boys. S'mores, lightning bugs. I'm not sure how big your house is though.

5. A birthday that cost almost nothing? Volunteering. Go to the local food bank or senior citizens home with your friends. Helping others will give you a good start to a new age.

6. If you're thinking something classier. Invite your friends over for a mystery party. Dress up in your fanciest attire (gives you an excuse to wear those gorgeous heels) and when people walk through the door, give them a persona. Someone is going to die. And the goal is to find the killer.

I hope I helped. If you need any help planning message me. Good luck. Happy Birthday!

Thank you so far, and I live in the UK so I cant rely on weather, please keep ideas coming thanks :) x

Thomas the tank engine parties are fun.

Do you have a pool?

Luau parties are fun (sorry if I slayed that spelling!)

It depends where u are in the US or UK

It's my birthday in a few weeks time and i'll be turning 15, I want to have a party at my house but feel like I always do the same stuff, my friends suggested a meal but im not sure? I want to invite a few boys aswell- so it needs to be suitable for everyone. Please give any type of suggestions because I need to plan soon and my parents have said a budget too. I would appreciate any type of help or planning for that matter of fact. One of my other friends is having a party the week before cause our birthday's are on the same day and hers will be amazing, so I need to do something everyone will enjoy and not be bored ahaa! thanks :)