> Birthday meal out on a Monday night...good idea?

Birthday meal out on a Monday night...good idea?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Do you have a tapas restaurant in your area? If so, it's a perfect place to dine on lots of small bits of tasty food that you can share with your friends. An alternative is to find a restaurant that has great appetizers. Make a lighter meal of the appetizers. If you are with a bunch of people, you'll get to try a bunch of tidbits of different things. You'll end up satisfied. Then, you can add a birthday cake at the end to cap the celebration. Also, it's customary to have appetizers earlier in the evening than a full meal, so everyone can dine early and be home to get ready for school/work. Happy Birthday! Enjoy!

I think it's a great idea! I hate cooking on Mondays and it would be something to look forward to on what is most people's least favorite day.

I would keep it at a casual spot so no one has to go change clothes and instead just come from work. I would also schedule it to start between 6 or 6:30 which also makes it easier for most to come straight from work, yet still early enough that they can get home at a decent hour.

I turn 18 on a Monday. I wanted to have a fancy meal out with friends and family but I'm not sure if this will work on a monday night after everyone has been at school/work and has to get up next morning. I really want to do something on the actual day of my birthday...

Opinions, ideas?
