> Best way to prevent a hangover?

Best way to prevent a hangover?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
So basically I'm going to a party tonight and I have a soccer tournament the next morning. What is the best way (other than not drinking) to prevent a hangover

Eat high protein foods before drinking, space out the time in which you have your drinks (eg. One every 45 minutes) avoid sweet drinks like lucozade and dilute when you've sobered up, drink at least 2ltrs of water after you've sobered up and get as much sleep as you can!

the best way that i can think of to prevent a hangover is dont drink on an empty stomach, dont chug the drinks, do not i repeat DO NOT mix your drinks, specially hard liqor with beer if you drink beer stick to beer and if you drink hard liquor stick to hard liquor only. drink a bottle of water every 4 drinks and snack on something often to keep your stomach busy that way you wont absorb as much liquor but dont over do it you dont wanna end up throwing up afterwards......

another solution would be go to a drug store and buy yourslef some "chasers" pills they sell them usually in any smiths store or any drug store in your area. you drink two pills every 4 to 5 drinks and that should get all the toxins ut of your body.

hope this helps

Never stop drinking. I've never had a hangover because I've been drunk since 1985.

For every beer or drink you have, drink a full glass of water.

eat good before, drink only clear alcohol, no carbonation and take excedrin every 4 hours

So basically I'm going to a party tonight and I have a soccer tournament the next morning. What is the best way (other than not drinking) to prevent a hangover