> Beach party help!!! :)?

Beach party help!!! :)?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Always bring a banana to a party


frisbee, volleyball, cricket, beach balls in the water are always fun, if its warm enough!

cold food so sandwiches, cupcakes, sweets, salad skewers, fruit cubes like watermelon and pineapple, crisps and dip, bread sticks, salads, take a chocolate selection box and loads of biscuits

Hey so i am turning 13 soon and i am gonna have a beach party.

I will be having around 15 people there (all girls).

I want it to be a awesome party i cant think of anything todo!! I imagen it as a boring party, like we are all sitting around doing nothing, eating nothing ec.

PLEASE HELP ME FIND THINGS TO DO WITH MY FRIENDS (games and other things that ARNT games) also food, what food can i bring?