> Backyard camping sleepover ideas?

Backyard camping sleepover ideas?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
You guys should bring in more tents and zip them up all together, it makes a tent city. Roast starbursts instead, you HAVE to try it. Bring out lanterns, not flashlights. If you have a tree, do all of that under the tree and put the lanterns on its branches. Get sparklers and make one person run around super fast while the other poses and the other takes a picture, it will look like a fairy tale. If it's hot outside and you have a pool, put glow sticks in a water balloon and put about 1-5 small rocks inside them so they can go to the bottom of the pool and it will look awesome!

Roast spider weenies! And also you guys should make smores and should play man hunt in the dark. And if you can get your hands on one slip n slides are fun (:

My friend and I are planning a backyard camping sleepover for this summer. I have a huge field in my backyard that we plan to set up two tent and we are inviting 7 girls. We also want to have a little bonfire and roast marshmallows. Any ideas to make it fun? Games? Food? Decor? Any other ideas? Thank you!!