- If you're not into that then you could go to a local Indoor paint-balling place and rent it out for a few hours and have a paint war!
-You could also rent out a theater, my friend did this a few years ago and she got to go up to the little room where they project the movie and she got to start the movie and I don't know she was very fascinated by it. We watched a whole bunch of movies and ate popcorn and snacks and i had a great time.
I hope I helped! And Happy Early Birthdayy!?
Update : hi im having a birthday party soon and i need some ideas for my party
im only inviting 7 - 10 people and i dont want it to be girly or out side.
i also dont want it to be at a place like pump it up or urban air.(not a party for little kids if you get what im saying.)
i cant have it at sixflags or hurricane harbor
and i dont want it at a hot park
i was thinking i could go to the movies but thats not really hanging out with my friends unless we can do something after wards