> Are you guys sold on Deontay Wilder yet?

Are you guys sold on Deontay Wilder yet?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
I'm a fan. I am sold on his power. I am sold on his physical gifts, but he needs tougher competition and rounds. The quick KOs aren't helping his developement.

It seems his management are increasing his opposition level. His last 2 opponents had names and now he's looking at the Arreola/ Mitchell winner. That would tell us a lot.

No I'm not

It's not as simple as just improve his quality of opposition or go more rounds, I'm more skeptic of his trainer Mark Breland than I do od Wilder

Breland who was a good pro with a trademark jab, doesnt have experience training at the top level and it shows as failed to improve Wilder's technique

My hang up for Wilder is, for one he doesn't use his lead hand which is never a good sign, he doesnt jab to set up his right, he just throws his right and hope it lands

Secondly, like other tall HWs today (Fury, Price, Wach etc...) they don't know who to control distance. Now that's much easier said than done, but it's proven to be an elite HW u have to master controlling distance just like Klits bros, Lewis, Bowe, Ali and best if all Larry Holmes did

Till he get's beat, I'm sold. Just look at what's out there. NOTHING!!!

He's as good as any.

When the K bros get out we'll see who the best of the rest are. And niether K. Bro will ever face Wilder, no matter what Wilder says he want's.

It's not fair to fault him for the quality of his past opposition. The main thing is he has shown consistency in easily and immediately demolishing them.I don't think he ever has any problems in disposing off his opponents despite their improving levels and qualities. His last fight versus former world titlist Serhei Liakovich attested to that consistency in fully displaying and demonstrating his KO power. Until he meets difficulty or is taken to the distance or losses his first fight, I think we ought to give him the benefit of the doubt that we accorded past KO artists in the heavyweight division inluding Cooney, Tyson and Foreman. And yes, Tyson Fury and even David Price before his successive KO losses to Tony Thompson.

I am not sold on him one bit. Hes a fraud and has a glass jaw.

Beating a washed up Liakhovich changes NOTHING. Wilder is still a knockout waiting to happen.

Did you ever hear of david price? He was tipped to be the new (and improved) Wladimir klitschko by some and once he stepped up he was in queer street (twice) and then soon forgotten after that.

I'm not saying they're the same, the point is that he is unproven as of now.

I know he's big, fast, and has a potent right hand, but I'm just not really sold on him as of yet because he really hasn't fought anyone of note after 29 fights. I guess I have to see him in with better competition first before I get too excited.

Your thoughts?