> Are sports athletes overpaid?

Are sports athletes overpaid?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
The only argument I find acceptable that professional athletes are overpaid is that darn near ALL professional sports teams are subsidized by the cities they are located in.

Professional sports is nothing more than corporate welfare. I'm of a mind that if the team cannot stand on their own, the owners should be cutting their overhead to make payroll and not have the tax payer footing the bill.

Otherwise, an athlete should be getting whatever they can in salary. This is a free country and athletes are citizens just like you and me. I believe in capitalism.

I think that athletes are overpaid. They get billions of dollars if they win a game or if a lot of people came to see them. I get that they should get paid, but not that much. I mean, you can use that money to save children and other people from hungry. Yes, the sports are entertaining and fun to watch but it doesn't mean that they should get paid that much.

Yes. The reason its worth millions and millions of dollars is because that is what the market will pay them. If they weren't payed so much the tv stations, team owners and the like would be payed even more than they are now. The athletes are being payed market value. Take an econ class. You may not like that they are payed that much but you don't have to watch them or buy the team clothes.

They are definitely overpaid..

With all the money those athletes earned, you can basically save afrika from dying children.

hey 338, calm the hell down. for the less fortunate, anybody can be set for life for a million dollars alone. however these athletes complain like little babies about not making enough money. are you serious? how about you take a common sense class once in your life. these athletes want to say that they sue their leagues because it's out of fairness or whatever. who are they trying to kid? it sickens me to my core.


When in comes down to it sports are just games that are played for the fans and spectators. The games that are played are for the comfort and pleasure of the working class citizens so when they get home can crack a beer and enjoy something they love. Athletes still make a career out of playing these games and everything but honestly nothing is impacted in everyday life like those who make a living as a construction worker, policeman, buisinessmen, soldier or whatever. The work they do is physically enduring and all but is it honestly worth millions and millions of dollars?