> Are college parties a "single" thing?

Are college parties a "single" thing?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
if the party you were invited to is at a frat house then yes, it's a single thing because the brothers are trolling for poon that's why they don't want you to bring any competition w/ you.

if the party you were invited to was someone else's house party then they may have limited space & can't have you bringing a bunch of people they didn't invite with you.

Think of it as an "enter at your own risk" kinda thing.

Yes, you can go, even if you are invited but your boyfriend isn't, but be prepared for the fact that you may be knocking back more than a couple of hit-on attempts.

Maybe not, maybe it's a totally different vibe, that can vary a lot from college to college, but... yes you're right, the likelihood is that this party is all about hookups (and about beer, to some extent...). It would be inadvisable to go to something like this without at least someone to watch your 6... maybe one or more girlfriends?

And, you couldn't blame your guy for being a bit nervous about your going to a party that he can't attend...

Ask if your fella can come. If the answer is no, then I wouldn't bother with this. If they reject him, then they reject you, there should be that much solidarity with your relationship if you're serious about it... (and you don't have to be, that's up to you of course...)

I am a sophomore in college, and most parties are hosted by guys so they would naturally want a bigger girl to guy ratio. Freshmen year I had a boyfriend for one semester, and I still went to parties. Don't go alone, bring some girl friends. And so you don't feel like a target for the boys at the party. And couples do go to parties but they usually walk in with a huge group, make sure it's more girls not a huge group of guys.

ask ur bf

I've never been to one but would like to go to one but I have a boyfriend. I was planning to go to one once but I didn't because the guy that invited me said if I was going to bring guys I would have to ask. And it seems like with these invites they are very specific if you want to bring people you have to ask, especially if its guys. So this makes me very cautious on going with or without my boyfriend. But do couples ever go to these things? I can imagine not really and that these parties are mainly for hookups. I could be wrong but would like to know if my perception of them is true from what I hear and partially experience. So am I right?