> Any tips for making my party go smoothly?

Any tips for making my party go smoothly?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Have you got a DJ for the venue? That's an essential.

Also general drunk-proofing the house is probably a good idea. You may want to rearrange your furniture and other household items, move away bulky furniture with sharp corners and make space for people, and lock away anything breakable, its always a big downer when someone breaks something.

If it's a small amount of people, have some party games ready, maybe? If it's a larger group then just good music and lights may be better suited, depends on how far out you want to go... Other than that just relax and enjoy yourself!

Don't invite too many people, and don't mention it online.

I'm having my 30th birthday party tomorrow and I'm looking for any tips to make it go smoothly. I've hired venue, then after people will be coming back to my house for a few more drinks and music. I keep feeling like I have forgot to do something.