> Another young life wasted!?

Another young life wasted!?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Opinions please....


Eddie F I don't know how old you are or if you deal with these kids out here today. They don't Care about no one they don't care about family,friends ,women you, me no one. They shoot first because they are scared really that's all it is . They don't know how or care to know how to resolve problems and guys are dying everyday out here for nothing.One more thing this is not a passing thing this is the way it is and it is not going to change. They know that they may go to jail I say may because there are a lot of killers out here on the streets and these fools know them. Here is the bad part what is going on out here will not get better. The women are just as bad .I am out here everyday dealing with these people all I can tell you is be very careful out here.

Yes this is indeed unfortunate but in life you do make choices and he could have decided to get out of that lifestyle altogether but didn't. The gang culture does not have a future other than one of death or the destruction of lives. I hate it because he was such a young man and had a good career going which he sadly squandered.

Reminds me if Salvador Sanchez

not surprised....

fighters arent always the most rational people. i'm not losing any sleep over it though. people make their own choices in life

he shoulda been in the gym training, not hanging out on the street corner

Another Hector dies... Good grief!


Opinions please....
