> Am I weird for not wanting a party?

Am I weird for not wanting a party?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
you may have the wrong roomates it is perfectly normal for them to want to have a party, and yet I understand your concerns, the only way you can compromise is to make sure that the party stays small, and if you can not do that then I have no clue, if the 3 other girls all have different people they want to invite, the number of people could easily get out of hand, maybe you could have a girls only party or something to try to keep it small, like it should be a preparty before everyone heads out on the town

Thats not weird at all. I felt the same way when my friends wanted to throw me a party for my birthday. I wanted nothing to do with it

Nope. Trust me, you don't want to get too involved at parties....

I have just moved to a big house with my 3 others... We all know each other and they want to have a house party. I am not a big party person anyway and I am quite worried that the place is going to get trashed! I have been to many parties before and generally people don't really care what happens if it isn't their house. I am also a bit OCD with things and am just not looking forward to it really. Am I weird for thinking this way?