> Am I too old to start an amateur boxing career?

Am I too old to start an amateur boxing career?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
No. You are not to old to start. However you must train with regularity and intensity. Boxing is a very difficult and lonely sport. I trained dozens of guys and they told me this type training was more difficult than football or track or anything else they ever did. The fact that you are an athlete is to your advantage. However you may not like getting hit in the face. You must start and consistently keep a regular training schedule. It is important that you keep this schedule. You have to train 4-5 days a week this includes roadwork exercising gym and bag work. You must also be in the right state of mind mentally. Nutrition is also an important factor. Make this a lifestyle and not a job. You must also be disciplined live clean no drinking smoking or drug usage. I wish you well and hope you are successful. Remember the fight is the easy part it is all the preparation that most cannot endure.

There have been cases of late starters in amateur boxing including some coming from playing or practicing other sports disciplines as mixed martial arts, basketball, football and track and field. Some even went pro boxing after a few years in the amateurs. Keeping in fighting shape and condition is paramount in amateur boxing because of its more hectic tournament/match schedules as a fighter progresses from fight to fight.

No 20 isn't to late Anthony Joshua started late and he won Gold at the Olympics and won Silver at the World Amateur Boxing Championahip which should off been Gold but was robbed.

Go to boxinggyms.com and locate a gym nearby. Start working out and become friendly with trainers and start learning and plan entering an amateur tourney within 6 months. Amateur boxing is 80% conditioning so work hard on roadwork and breathing exercises to have plenty of stamina for those 3 round matches.

Nope not old. Besides for amateur boxing the limit is 35 and you're 20. Go for it.

It's never late

Im 20 years old and never boxed before but im not a stranger to physical sports I was on the wrestling, cross country and track team in HS and am also currently practicing Jiu Jitsu. Im also in the army so im very adement about staying physically fit (im far from fighting shape though). My dream is to compete for golden gloves.